That was 9 months ago.
I was told that Iʼd never be able to do anything physical again.
I was told that Iʼd be on an Oxygen machine for the rest of my life.
I was told…to ‘deal with itʼ
…and in the past nine months…
Waiting and watching won’t ever give you the life you want, but you know that already.
We hand select everyone allowed into Spartan Company.
Learn how we achieved financial freedom after being broke Learn how we developed unbreakable discipline.
Learn how we built strong and athletic bodies (at over 40 years old)
And ultimately…
build an unstoppable mindset to reach every goal that you want.
Hereʼs What You Can Expect.
Mega Money, Monster Mindset, Savage Body!
Success means WINNING.
Weʼve been conditioned to think that winning is bragging, that winning is a bad thing, that complacency is the current currency.
My wife and I will let you in on a little secret.
Success IS winning, and if that bothers you, stop reading.
If you want to win, and win on a giant scale…
Keep reading.
My name is Trevor Bachmeyer.
Iʼm a father, a husband, the founder and owner of SmashweRx, Body Hacks, Spartan Media and Spartan Company, each one of our companies do 7 figures a year.
And each one started from scratch.
Iʼm the coach and mentor to Hollywood actors, UFC fighters, Global entrepreneurs, and mega corporations.
The wild part is, nobody believed in me at the beginning.
Hereʼs why…
I started everything from the drivers seat of a 1991 Acura Legend with a broken drivers side window, I lived in my car, I snuck into gyms to shower, and had to steal food.
That isnʼt even the half of it.
9 months ago I spent 6 weeks in and out of ICU because I was dying.
I mean REALLY dying.
They ended up removing a tumor the size of a bowling ball from my chest. Oh and one more thing…
They removed my left lung in the same surgery.
Because once they were inside my chest, they found that it was much worse than they thought.
When I came out of surgery…
The doctor checked me, and then put his hand on me and said…
“We had to remove most of your left lung along with the cancer mass Trevor”
Thatʼs what I was told when I woke up in recovery.
I had tubes and hoses coming out of my chest, more IV lines than I could count And I was connected to an oxygen supply
I looked around the room, still faded from the anesthesia and I saw my wife.
In that moment, I had two choices.
Settle for a lifetime of limitations
Or be a MAN
“Get me out of this bed.”
Thatʼs what I said to the nurse.
They argued with me and told me to wait until the next day.
That I had just had thoracic surgery.
That I was weak.
That I would fall.
That it would be too hard.
I looked at my wife again…
And 20 minutes after they brought me back from surgery, I was walking laps around my room.
I had hoses coming out of my chest attached to the wall.
I had multiple IV lines in me attached to bags filled with everything.
I had a giant box filled with fluid and my blood coming from my chest attached to me, that I had to carry around with me.
Once I was disconnected from the wall, I would walk laps around the nurses station, about 400 yards.
The first walk took me over 20 minutes because my oxygen sats kept dropping and Iʼd get so out of breath that Iʼd have to stop.
I kept f*cking walking.
Iʼd walk lap after lap around the station, and when I felt exhausted, Iʼd come back and write the number of laps and the time on the white board in my room.
By the end of the week, I was walking 60-80 laps around the nurses station in the
course of the day.
I had one reason.
My wife.
It hurt.
It was humbling.
It was frustrating.
I was angry.
I was bitter.
I was weak.
I kept going.
The part about this entire story that really should hit home, is that they gave up on me, and here I am now, 9 months later.
If I can create the massive success that Iʼve created for my life and my family, anyone can! And in this program, weʼre going to show you how.
I want to personally invite you into the most valuable and ELITE program youʼll ever be a part of…SPARTAN COMPANY.
In the program, we will take you step by step through what weʼve done SUCCESSFULLY and repeatedly to create million dollar companies without any capital, without any concrete ideas, and from scratch. We are going to coach and mentor you to be the most high performance, high horsepower version of yourself so that crushing your goals becomes the reflex for you.
We are going to give you the exact blueprint to achieve success and become financially free!
Are you who you really want to be?
Are you doing what you really want to be doing?
Do you spend your nights staring at the ceiling with your head filled with anxiety and wishes of a different life?
Are you the father, the mother, the leader that you are proud of?
Would you want your children to be you right now?
This all may sound harsh, but itʼs also as raw and real as it can be. Itʼs not meant to be rude, itʼs meant to have you look at your own one precious life and ask yourself
if you are living it on your terms the way that you want to live it?
And if not, when?
Because youʼre running out of time, whether you like it or not…
Before I went into surgery I thought that I was crushing life.
Boy was I f*cking wrong.
Once I was in the hospital, laying in the bed counting the minutes before they opened up my chest, I realized that I was living anything but an amazing life.
I was a tired old engine with no horsepower and a false mindset that was only there to convince myself that I was going all in on my life.
I wasnʼt.
When I woke up from surgery, my entire perspective changed.
I got brutally honest with myself, and forced myself to look at the gaps in my own life.
And then
Did something about them, ALL OF THEM.
I rebuilt my entire life, including my own body.
I am a nitromethane engine cranking out horsepower mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.
And after sitting down with my wife and talking about how our life has become so amazing.
I want to help you do the exact same thing.
This program is not for people who donʼt want to stick to our four rules for life (Iʼll come to that in a minute).
You are going to be in a program surrounded by those who want to win at everything in their one life.
And those four rules that I was talking about…
Yeah, you canʼt do anything at a high level without them, EVER.
you are born with a purpose and the only way to live that purpose, is in those four rules.
You are not living the life youʼre meant to live!
I know that you can hear that voice screaming inside.
Youʼre meant for MORE MONEY.
Youʼre meant for MORE STRENGTH.
Youʼre meant for MORE JOY.
Real talk, I meant it when I said I actually thought that I was living this epic life.
I was humbled.
I had to choose.
Either accept this mediocre life where I was constantly lying to myself about where I was and what I was doing.
Or CREATE the life that I wanted for myself and my family and never look back.
I was forced to design a blueprint, a step by step program to achieve financial success, to build non negotiable rules for achieving my goals, to build an unbreakable body
and ultimately create a program that is replicable for anyone.
And thatʼs exactly why we created Spartan Company.
Spartan Company is a full 180 degrees from what everything else is right now, all of the other hyped up programs, seminars and events being marketed out there that
make bold promises and have no follow through.
You know what programs Iʼm talking about…
The ones with an all star line up of speakers and ‘guestsʼ who are plastered all over the sales page with promises of the magic touch that will change your life with this ‘one thingʼ and then
Talk to you for an hour about why you should also buy their program as well.
You get hyped up.
You get fired up.
You jump around and dance and scream at the stage.
And leave with nothing.
You need one thing more than anything else.
A solid plan, that actually.
Something that has proof of concept because itʼs been done, and not done by accident once, I mean something thatʼs been executed repeatedly with the same outcome.
You need a playbook to follow so that you, yeah you know what Iʼm about to say, so that you can make it big!
There are only two of us leading this program, Brandy and me.
Together, my Queen and I have generated millions in sales for ourselves, our businesses, and more importantly, for our clients, and weʼre going to show you how to do the exact same thing for yourself.
What weʼre going to teach you are the things that cause money to pour into your life, yes really, and you will be able to install this ‘softwareʼ into your life and have it up and running in less than a week.
There is more money available in the world right now than ever before, and we are going to show you how to tap in to all of it, permanently.
And once you learn how to implement all of this, you wonʼt need us, youʼll be completely unstoppable.
Thereʼs a catch.
I know, this is where everyone says ‘I knew it!ʼ
Except the catch isnʼt with us, itʼs with you.
Before you can tap into anything, before you can create that business, before you can have cash pour into your life, you need to get honest with yourself.
And right about here is where the weak ones scroll past the page, make up validations, and argue about how mindset doesnʼt mean much because they know ‘someoneʼ with a terrible mindset who is worth millions of dollars.
Having millions of dollars and waking up every day hating your life, is not being rich or wealthy, itʼs living in a prison, I know, Iʼve personally been there.
Iʼve had 8 figures at my beck and call, and the only thing that I wanted, was to be a different person in a different life because I hated where I was, who I was and what I was doing.
I had to destroy, and I mean DESTROY my own personal demons and limiting beliefs that were crippling my life.
In order to have the profit, the success, the lifestyle that you want, you have to snap the spine of your limiting beliefs, and weʼre going to show you exactly what worked for us and then, how we created the most unshakable foundation in our own mindset.
Weʼre going to go one step further for you.
Weʼre going to give you our entire swipe file of everything that weʼve done that works, which means that itʼs proven, and has literally changed our growth and profit by 10x.
It doesnʼt matter how many followers you have right now, on any platform, we have had clients with a few hundred followers turn on a money machine in there life.
Weʼre going to show you how to explode your own personal brand and empire in the shortest amount of time, and if you do what we show you, create a million dollar brand.
Did I mention that you get an actual playbook? I mean a physical book, not some sketchy downloadable pdf, but an actual book with everything in it, to use anytime you want, with the answers to just about every question youʼll ever have and the step by step formula to creating the life you want.
This program is not for everyone.
If you are wanting a ‘done for you, magic trick, just do this one thingʼ kind of program, this isnʼt it, and I hate to burst your bubble, those donʼt really exist. This program is the real deal and designed around creating YOUR success. Not just with your money, but with your mindset, your personal growth and your relationships.
This is the ultimate results blueprint of you LIFE.
You will get the step by step playbook for:
Iʼm Trevor Bachmeyer, the man who was brought into the hospital with a death sentence 9 months ago, had his
Lung removed, had a massive tumor removed from his chest, and came out of the hospital 7 days later in a wheelchair
and rebuilt his entire life in under a year. Iʼm the founder of SmashweRx and Body
Hacks, the CEO of Spartan Media, and
the creator and CEO of Spartan Company.
Every day millions of people around the world use something that I have created in order to level up their life and businesses.
Iʼm a coach and mentor to thousands of men and women, Hollywood celebrities, UFC Fighters, pro athletes, and law enforcement.
Iʼm also a father, a husband and leader in my community and…
I want YOU to stack wins like a gangster, so Iʼm going to give you all that Iʼve got.
Iʼm Brandy Bachmeyer, 16 years ago I married Trevor when he was told that he had less than a year to live, when he had terminal cancer, because I believe in him.
In the past 16 years, together, Iʼve watched him succeed when everyone gave up on him, when he has been knocked down, HARD, and protect us like a MAN. Together, we have built multiple 7 figure companies, raised an incredible family, and grown our
marriage in an amazing way.
We are passionate (and wild), we are genuinely in love with each other, and we
have gone through more challenges than most people ever will.
In that time, weʼve designed plans, and programs for ourselves in order to grow our own empire, strengthen our family, and create an incredible marriage
and now, we are showing you how we did everything and continue to stack wins. People spend their lives waiting for things to get better, we CREATED the life we wanted, as a team. You deserve massive success, you deserve financial freedom and an incredible life
and we have actually done it. We walk the talk.
Spartan Company is not like the seminars and programs that are advertised all over social media. This is nothing like whatʼs being peddled out there.
you know, the standard ‘here buy this nextʼ and it will help with what you just spent your time and energy on.
Where every module is a lead in to the next module.
My wife and I are the real deal, we both come from families that had no money, no fitness, and really, no genuine success. Thatʼs not saying we had a bad childhood or rotten parents, itʼs saying that Brandy and I share the same mindset. We are both self made successes.
My wife was a girl who grew up to become a professional soccer player, an all star athlete and as bad ass at creating her own success as they come. I came out of the hospital with a narrative from others telling me that success was something that just wasnʼt in the cards for me and turned that around and built a multimillion dollar company from scratch in less than a year.
Together, weʼve gone from rags to riches and itʼs because we deploy the same discipline and blueprint in our lives together, every day, with no exceptions. And in this program weʼre showing you EVERYTHING that you need to know to make crazy money, build that iron clad mindset, and carve out a strong body.
Listen, youʼve probably just about given up.
Youʼve had a string of bad luck and been knocked down more times than you can count and feel like youʼve been grinding away with nothing to show for it.
Or maybe youʼve got the money, but when you open the door at the end of your day, your home is empty, thereʼs no relationship and you feel lost.
It may even be that your sex life is boring, or even non existent in your relationship.
Maybe youʼve ‘tried everythingʼ and are at the point where you think that youʼre just not meant to succeed.
We have been there!
And weʼve been there with a family and children!
And, if this is you, then youʼre the one type of person we want to help…
Which is why Brandy and I even put this program together, itʼs to show you how to win, and win big!
For Spartan Company
Yep, we get it, why listen to us?
You look at us now and think ‘They arenʼt like me, itʼs easy for them!ʼ
Except itʼs the exact opposite.
Trashed our own lives before
Decided to live an average life before.
Made assumptions and bad decisions before
Felt lost before.
You have times in your life where youʼve overcome adversity, right now, in your past, and, youʼre going to have to do that again and again, so what.
We are going to give you the step by step plan to do that faster than ever before.
We walk the talk.
This isnʼt some high energy program with no substance or value.
This is the actual playbook that we use on a daily basis to
And we do this Every Day!!
The exact routines and programs we run in our lives that free up massive amounts of time while 10x ing your output.
The blueprint we use every time to create and run our multi million dollar
companies and knock out 5-6 figures
each month easily.
We arenʼt new to this space, we have generated millions for people who have never done more than 30k a year in their life, including us!
This program turns on the money machine. (Value: $50,000 program)
You also get one on one access at specific times to ask any questions about sales, marketing, family, leadership, mindset, success, training (Value: $25,000 program).
The program also includes the entire video library of our Elite Coach calls (Value: $25,000 program)
The actual playbook we use in our daily life.
Our social media marketing system thatʼs generated 8 figures of revenue for us. Our growth system for going from zero to a massive following that wants to buy from you.
The blueprint we use for our unstoppable mindset which is the foundation of everything that we do.
Our entire training program we use for our high level fitness system. And much more!
When I left the hospital…
I was in a wheelchair
I had lost almost 60 pounds
I was anchored to an oxygen machine which they told me I would be on for the rest of my life
I was hemorrhaging money faster than I could earn it
2 hours after we arrived home, my wife watched me strap a sled to my waist, drop a 45 pounds plate on it, and proceed to drag it around my country driveway. Round after round.
I told my wife that I would never leave her feeling unprotected again.
I told my wife that I would become stronger than I was.
I told my wife that she is the most important person on earth to me.
I showed my children that their dad never gives up on them.
And when I started walking around the driveway, I told my wife to get me when I collapse because thatʼs the only way Iʼm going to stop walking around the
Half an hour later, she helped me walk back inside the house.
and…I havenʼt stopped training since that day.
We have built multiple 7 figure businesses in less than a year, from scratch, because WE know how to do it, and itʼs replicable.
We have created a coaching program that brings you from where you are to where you actually want to be.
I have rebuilt my entire health and fitness to a level higher than where I have ever been in my life.
Real talk…Iʼm selfish AF…
I donʼt want people to be unhealthy.
I donʼt want you to be broke.
I donʼt want you to be alone.
So we built a blueprint that works, because we live it.
I wanted to show you upfront that I walk the talk, and what I teach our clients can get you massive success in your fitness because thatʼs usually what getʼs people excited.
Except thatʼs the smallest part of all of this.
I want you to succeed in the other 75 percent of your life.
I want you to win so fucking big.
Your mindset.
Your money, and lots of it.
Your relationships.
Yes, your sex life.
Because anything less than what I just wrote above, isnʼt winning.
The inconsistencies and lack of focus that always screws up your life, is whatʼs holding you back, and you know it.
The way out of that, is to actually take action…but not just ‘actionʼ and thatʼs whatʼs different with us…if itʼs unfocused, action is something that can and will actually take you the wrong direction.
Iʼm going to give you the blueprint and the tools to create a BEAST of a body for yourself….
But Iʼm also going to give you the blueprint to allow you to unlock the greatest version of YOU so that you can have success in ALL areas of life, everything.
We could go on and on about what kind of a great program this is, but youʼre tired of reading it, and we are in this to help you win!
And if youʼve gotten this far you already know what youʼre gonna do. So do it.